Saccharomyces species experiment #1: Paradoxus Ale (Recipe #14, Batch #2014.07)

This post is about beer, but in addition, this post is about the microbiology of beer, specifically the microbiology of the genus Saccharomyces. I am a microbiologist by trade, so there will be several posts throughout this blog concerning the organisms responsible for the production of beer and other fermentation products. This is the first … Continue reading Saccharomyces species experiment #1: Paradoxus Ale (Recipe #14, Batch #2014.07)

Sour Program — Part 1: Unblended Lambic #1 (Cantillon dregs)

One of the more popular style of beer these days is anything "wild" or "sour". But these beers are not new, in fact they are some of the oldest styles of beers still in production. Before the days of microbiology and sanitation, and pure culture, likely all beers were "wild" or at least contaminated. I'm … Continue reading Sour Program — Part 1: Unblended Lambic #1 (Cantillon dregs)