Recipe #20: Dandelion Saison (Batch #2014.10)

Ever weed your garden and then decide to make a beer? This is my second attempt at a dandelion beer using flowers picked out of my yard. The first was last year using my blend of saison yeasts and Brettanomyces was a big hit but the dandelion character was rather subtle. I added about 2.5 … Continue reading Recipe #20: Dandelion Saison (Batch #2014.10)

Recipe #17: Hibiscus Brett Saison (Batch #2014.08)

Spring has sprung and what better way to celebrate than starting a new brewing project and make some flower beers! This will be the first in a series of flower beers made this spring / summer...hopefully they will all turn out well. This is the only one out of the four or five where I … Continue reading Recipe #17: Hibiscus Brett Saison (Batch #2014.08)